

1. 喝腊八粥:Eat Laba porridge

2. 扫尘:Sweep the dust

3. 扫房:Spring cleaning

4. 祭灶:Offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen

5. 守岁:Stay up

6. 拜年: Pay a New Year's call

7. 祭祖:Offer sacrifices to one's ancestors

8. 祭财神:Worship the God of Wealth

9. 春联:Spring Festival couplets

10. 贴倒福:Paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down

11. 去晦气:Get rid of the ill-fortune

12. 辞旧岁:Bid farewell to the old year

13. 兆头:omen

14. 禁忌:taboo

15. 烧香:Burn incense